Concrete strength is vital to a concrete project’s success, safety and longevity.
Starting a project with weak concrete, especially if you’re a contractor, can weaken your reputation, as the customer will blame the contractor rather than the materials.
Even if you are a homeowner working on a small domestic project, understanding what influences concrete strength can help you do a better job.
#1: The Quality of Raw Materials
The quality of constituents determines the strength of the concrete
- Water-Cement Ratio: Although a high-water cement ratio makes it easier to mix and place, a higher water content can weaken the strength of the set concrete. The Flowmix team can advise on the optimum water-to-cement ratio.
- Cement: The strength of concrete improves when using high-quality cement with fewer impurities.
- Aggregates: These should be clean, hard, and free from chemicals and organic matter.
#2: The Mixing Process
Concrete strength depends on mixing thoroughly to ensure a uniform consistency. If the ingredients aren’t mixed properly, it can create pockets of weakness in the concrete.
#3: Optimum Curing Conditions
Concrete can take a long time to cure fully. It needs the right temperature, adequate moisture and time to cure to full strength. Protecting the concrete during curing is vital when experiencing extreme heat or cold conditions.
#4: Admixtures
Admixtures are additives or chemicals added during the concrete mix for specific enhancements such as durability, workability, and early or final concrete strength.
If you intend to use admixtures, it’s essential to use suitable types and quantities as they can impact the strength of concrete.
Contact the Flowmix team about using the best admixtures for your concrete project.
#5: Ambient Temperature
Choosing the best time for your concrete project depends on watching the weather forecast. If it’s too hot, whilst the heat may speed up the curing process, it can weaken the overall concrete strength. If it’s too cold, that retards the curing process.
If you’re unsure about the best time to plan for your concrete delivery, the Flowmix team will provide guidance.
#6: Compaction
A concrete mix needs to be compacted to avoid air pockets, which can reduce its strength. Correct compaction ensures a dense and strong concrete structure.
#7: Porosity and Density
As mentioned in compaction, porous concrete is weaker than dense concrete. Influencing factors are: –
- Water-cement ratio
- Compaction techniques
- Curing conditions
#8: Age of Concrete
Concrete becomes stronger as it ages, although the strengthening process slows down over time. The overall strength depends on the type of cement used and the curing conditions.
#9: Type and Duration of Load
Dynamic loads can affect the strength and longevity of concrete more than static loads, depending on the duration of the load and whether it has prolonged dynamic use.
For example, a heavy truck parked on a concrete area will cause less wear and tear than a fleet of heavy trucks driving across the concrete for eight or more hours daily.
Read: Ordering Ready Mix Concrete: A Homeowners Guide
When planning your concrete project, consider the factors affecting concrete strength.
Concrete is exceptionally strong and strengthens over time. Still, consider the elements affecting the strength before ordering a concrete delivery.
Whether you’re a contractor, architect or a homeowner planning to lay a concrete drive, considering all the elements can ensure the concrete structure withstands the test of time.
How Flowmix Can Help With Your Project
Flowmix has two plants, Gloucester and Walsall. We provide ready-mix concrete, mix on-site and liquid screed.
In addition, you can hire a 200′ concrete line pump to reduce manual labour and associated costs, increase efficiency, reduce wastage and clean up. Moreover, we also provide interlocking concrete blocks for temporary or permanent barriers.
Flowmix has the BSA-approved Ready Mix Concrete Kitemark KM683844, a certification that “confirms a product or service’s claim has been independently and repeatedly tested by experts” (source BSI).
Flowmix Tewkesbury: 01684 217888 Flowmix Walsall: Tel: 01922 741731